Nice URL [click to highlight for copy]:
Puppyzilla loves frogs
[some info about this album]
1. Frog Lovers Unite.wav
10 Batrachotoxin.wav
11. Gephyrotoxin.wav
12. Chiriquitoxin.wav
13. Zetekitoxin.wav
14. 5-MeO-DMT.wav
15. Histrionicotoxin.wav
16. Effigy of Batrachos.wav
17. Mycobacteriosis.wav
18. Hemorrhagic Fever Caused By An Overabundance Of Frogs.wav
19. Chytridiomycosis.wav
2. Big Frog bans all abuse towards frogs.wav
20. Frogs will rule the world.wav
3. Dendrobates tinctorius azureus.wav
4. Frogzilla.wav
5. Phyllosurgeon.wav
6. Mutation of frogs that turned them into creatures that murder living beings.wav
7. Dendrobatidae auratus.wav
8. Phyllosepticemesis.wav
9. Amphibianemia.wav
1. Frog Lovers Unite.wav
10 Batrachotoxin.wav
11. Gephyrotoxin.wav
12. Chiriquitoxin.wav
13. Zetekitoxin.wav
14. 5-MeO-DMT.wav
15. Histrionicotoxin.wav
16. Effigy of Batrachos.wav
17. Mycobacteriosis.wav
18. Hemorrhagic Fever Cause...
19. Chytridiomycosis.wav
2. Big Frog bans all abuse ...
20. Frogs will rule the wor...
3. Dendrobates tinctorius a...
4. Frogzilla.wav
5. Phyllosurgeon.wav
6. Mutation of frogs that t...
7. Dendrobatidae auratus.wav
8. Phyllosepticemesis.wav
9. Amphibianemia.wav
LICENSE: copyright
uploaded by: hanamebesi
page style:none
due to recent hack, zip generator is unavailable, sorry. i would be more motivated to fix issues quickly if the site had more donors.