Osvickleaux2468:~!~ chat log will refresh in 300 bytes ~!~
kablaziken:Thu,12:22pm you guys should check this out idk
kablaziken:Thu,12:24pm i found about it from this person
ROU:Thu,06:53am huh
ROU:Thu,06:54am wait i think i know how it fuced up
ROU:Thu,06:55am sorry for having an ampersand in the title
ROU:Thu,06:56am unfortunately i can't try to fix it because it's broken my upload and manager pages
speedstarr:Sat,08:09pm hi in the chatroom
speedstarr:Sat,08:11pm i'm high in the chatroom
speedstarr:Sat,08:11pm bars
speedstarr:Sat,08:12pm anyone know how to edit my uploads? i can't figure it out
Acheleg:Tue,11:02am seems we all created synmtax errors lol
Tubutsch:Wed,10:47am it's been quiet here for a while
Tubutsch:Wed,10:48am we can no longer swag check???
Tubutsch:Wed,10:48am ;-;
42daily:Sat,08:59am is there any sauce in here
42daily:Sat,08:59am is there any sauce in here
42daily:Sat,08:59am good drumkits
42daily:Sat,08:59am good drumkitssoudnbanks
Ch1_mer4444:Tue,09:58pm hey uhhh how do i install say otmsynth for example properly? im using jbridge and everything but idk what to do with the .sem file folder..... just opens up to a white window in my DAW
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~!~ status log will refresh in 300 bytes ~!~ @ Sunday 01:19am
WROOZ checked in! @ Sunday 03:05am
blood_xx_vomit checked in! @ Thursday 09:57am
Ch1_mer4444 checked in! @ Tuesday 09:57pm